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PayPal Payment Disputes
When you make a payment through PayPal, several protections are in place in case something goes wrong.
- Step 1 If you require a refund, the first thing to do is to contact the seller by sending them a message on this site, and request a refund. You have up to 60 days from date of payment to request a refund, which is a time frame dictated by PayPal terms and conditions.
- Step 2 If the seller does not issue a refund and you feel they are in error, you can then open a Dispute in the PayPal Resolution Centre. You have to open a dispute with PayPal within the time frame noted in the transaction details on the PayPal website.
A Dispute allows you to communicate with the seller on the PayPal website and try to come to a resolution.
- Step 3 If you are not satisfied with the response via the Dispute process, you must escalate the Dispute to a Claim with 20 days of opening the Dispute. Escalating a Dispute to a Claim means that PayPal staff intervene and try and reach a resolution. The average turnaround time is 10-14 days but can take longer than 30 days.
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