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Listing Types

Listing Types

When listing an item, choose the listing type (Standard, Premium/Boost, Showcase).

Here is a comparison of the listing types that are currently available for you.


Premium listings will include:

  • Show up on the first page of categories and stores

  • Results highlighted in categories and stores

  • Products used in Shopping campaigns on Meta, Google, Pinterest

  • Duration: 7 days

Showcase listings will include:

  • Large banner on the top of the category and store page. These will rotate through to show all showcase listings.

  • Products will be top of page for any search

  • Products used in Shopping campaigns on Meta, Google, Pinterest

  • You May Also Like will only feature other items from your store

  • Duration: 7 days

Include the listing type and the item type when you list an item


Item Types

Your items can be Catalogue Items or Auction Items.

Please note: if you're listing an Auction Item, once the auction finishes and there is no bid placed on it, the item will relist as a Catalogue item.

The price used for the Catalogue Item will depend on the auction type:

  • Auction With No Reserve Set - the catalogue price will be the starting bid ($1).

  • Auction With Reserve Set - the catalogue price will be the reserve price.


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